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JHM Hotels, a technology and customer service driven company, renovated this property over the course of three years. The owners came to us to help them build and integrate systems. Through the use of Crestron we integrated their hotel systems to allow for several music zones, room combining systems, and digital signage. We also provided the property with speicalty scent for further branding. As you approach the building you will be welcomed by Muzak playing through Klipsch speakers. The inside of the property welcomes you with a pleasant scent complemented by Muzak playing through Bose speakers. Carolina Sound Communications and JHM Hotels partnered to make an older Charleston hotel into a wonderful new experience.
This former atrium property is currently being transformed into a trendy new hotel with features not found in other local properties. We have worked with the owners of the property to properly zone the hotel to allow for room combining systems in the meeting rooms, an outdoor TV viewing area, different music at the pool, and a lobby lounge with a cutting edge sound system and featuring a 2x2 video wall.
Carolina Sound is also providing a security camera system for the facility.
This facility opted to utilize an IP camera system for better recognition of video. We also installed a small sound system for this property.
Project: Improve Understanding of Spoken Word
The large N. Charleston High School Cafeteria built with painted concrete block walls, vinyl flooring and glass windows presented a serious problem with speech echoing from these surfaces.
This serious reverberation problem resulted in:
An inability to use the cafeteria for meetings since speech could not be understood
An unacceptably loud environment during the cafeteria periods causing stress and poor student behavior
Carolina Sound Communications corrected the problem by installation of sound absorbing acoustical panels on the wall surfaces of the cafeteria.
The reverberance of the room was calculated using industry accepted computer programs. It was found to be more than 7 seconds, an unacceptable amount of time.
The installation of the required panels calculated to meet the needs of this client, quieted the cafeteria and has made the lunch period much more pleasant, and student behavior much more acceptable.
The cafeteria can be and is now used by the Principal for faculty meetings.
The success of this project resulted in the School requesting the same treatment for the main entry foyer for the school, with equal quality results.
Piggly Wiggly depends on its communication system to operate over 100 stores efficiently and consistently. Price checks are accomplished without tying up telephone systems by utilizing an Aiphone Intercom system which can provide up to four individual paths of communication as well as all-call paging. Overhead point of purchase messaging is provided through the Muzak satellite music system and is totally controlled by Piggly Wiggly on a centralized basis.
For 27 years Carolina Sound has provided Piggly Wiggly with music, point of purchase advertising, sound, and paging systems. They have depended on the 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service on all of their leased equipment. They continue to use our design services on all new applications. All existing locations use music and audio advertising. Some of their flagship properties, such as Newton Farms also incorporate our scent products and Bose speakers.
The College of Charleston constructed a new state of the art basketball arena, designed and laid out by Coffeen Fricke of Kansas, a well respected acoustical design consultant.
Carolina Sound Communications (CSC) was awarded the contract to install the system. It consisted of 47 EV speakers, consisting of subsystems covering the playing floor, the stands, and center cluster allowing the arena to be used for purposes other then basketball, a multiple preset Digital Sound Processing (DSP) system, and 49 QSC amplifiers, with multiple mike and line amplifiers distributed through the arena, as well as two master input connectors for live sound presentations. A special system was installed to constantly evaluate amplifier performance.
Full paging was provided for the halls and corridors as well.
An AV system was included for private and club use, consisting of a high output projector and supporting sound system.
CSC design responsibilities included designing the special furniture to mount the audio console and accessories and a rigging system to fly the speakers. All speakers were supported from roof supports, approximately 65 feed above the playing floor. A total of 23 clusters were involved.
The system was installed on time and within budget. It has since performed flawlessly.
Project: Design Change
Problem: Not able to obtain Cable TV signal for Emergency Services Building
An Emergency Operations Center was successfully bid. The local Cable TV provider was called to arrange delivery of Cable TV to the building. The Cable TV provider declined to provide Cable Service to the facility due to the expense of installing several miles of cable in an area with inadequate prospective subcribers to warrant the cost. The facility, as a result, was faced with having no news and public service channels for display on its internal MATV system.
CSC performed several computer signal analyses on local and distant off air TV channels. Normal Satellite delivery systems such as Dish Network and Direct TV are inadequate for signal reception during Hurricane, Tornado and Earthquake conditions because heavy rainfall renders the satellite reception inoperable, and antenna movement cause by high winds or ground temblors has the same effect.
The Solution: Install heavy duty commercial receiving antennas for the local off air TV channels, and to provide satellite systems which can be quickly taken down in high winds, and as quickly reinstalled. The logic is that the local channels will be highly dependable, and the satellite receivers can be used to receive information before inclement weather sets in, and again for restoring services and for Community information after the incident when conditions are back to normal.
The Charleston County School District serves 42,000 children. The Board charged with managing this responsibility depends on Carolina Sound to provide audio-visual services for their meeting and hearing space. The system at 75 Calhoun Street encompasses three video projectors with vibration-isolating mounts, an interactive Smart Board, and a lobby LCD which can display either digital signage or show the meeting for overflow crowds. The state-of-the-art sound system uses Biamp digital signal processors to create a room capable of dividing into multiple systems when necessary and managing up to 40 microphones without feedback. A Crestron touch panel makes control simple for the operator. A press panel allows local media to tap into the system for high-quality broadcast sound. Hearing Assistance is provided for ADA compliance. This Carolina Sound system ensures that every student, teacher or Board member's opinions are heard.
As one of Charleston's most prestigious golf destinations, the Daniel Island Club plays host to both an elite local membership and national tournaments. To provide their guests with an unparalleled experience, the Club uses audio-visual systems by Carolina Sound. These include sound and video displays in the ballrooms, a high-tech boardroom featuring Crestron DigitalMedia and Biamp audio conferencing, satellite and cable television distribution to dozens of flat screens, Crestron touch panel controls and Muzak Business Music throughout the facility. Lighting and window shade controls are integrated. Even the cart barn uses Carolina Sound's expertise to notify guests that the award-winning course is ready for them.
When you have one of Charleston's most convenient destinations for business travelers, you want to make sure it's equipped with anything one might need for an office away from the office. Fennel Holdings chose Carolina Sound to design their ultimate boardroom - The AERO Room - at the Holiday Inn Airport. The room has everything a modern conference space could need, but you might never know it from looking inside. Working with the talented designers at LS3P Architects, Carolina Sound was able to hide nearly every component, making the room as beautiful as it is functional. The room features both a large screen video projector (with hidden ceiling lift) and a massive LCD screen. Connections for audio and video are hidden in the walls and in the skirts of the tables. Videoconferencing and audio conferencing are available, with the video camera hidden in a motorized lift below granite countertops. Two equipment racks are hidden in the casework of the room, housing the switching and control equipment. Six lighting zones and six window shade zones are integrated into the touch screens for the room. The Crestron system can simulate a whiteboard on either video display, or let the user "draw" over video for team annotation. It can even provide Microsoft Office functionality without a PC connected. Crestron control systems allow the Holiday Inn to activate or deactivate any function of the room for any client, making it simple to use and simple to manage. Elsewhere in the hotel, Carolina Sound provided discrete security cameras and background music systems. It all adds up to an unmatched business travel experience in Charleston, courtesy of Carolina Sound and Fennel Holdings.